

Would you like your business to gain the attention of LNRC’s 1000+ unique visitors per week? Sponsorship may be a great marketing fit for you.

Lake Norman Racquet & Social Club as a Business Partner

Lake Norman Racquet & Social Club is a unique facility in the Lake Norman area. We have 5 indoor courts, 8 outdoor courts, and 6 pickleball courts. Our Clubhouse also has a gym and Pro Shop. We host adult and junior tennis leagues and UTR tournaments. On top of that the Lake Norman Racquet & Social Club has over 200 members. LNRC enjoys over 1000 unique visitors per week!

This created the perfect business opportunity for local businesses to give exposure to your business. We have several different levels of sponsorship. Including options to get your logo on our courts.

We offer banners or windscreens in different sizes. 


Grand Slam

3 Year Commitment
$8,000 a year

  • 1 indoor banner above courts
  • 1 outdoor banner on court
  • 2 yearly events with your company name
  • 1 yearly tournament with your company name
  • 1 editorial about your company in newsletter
  • 4x online exposure on Facebook/Instagram
  • 3x a year use of our facility for company events

The Masters

3 Year Commitment
$6,000 a year

  • 1 indoor banner above courts
  • 1 outdoor banner on court
  • 1 yearly event with your company name
  • 1 yearly tournament with your company name
  • 1 editorial about your company in newsletter
  • 2x online exposure on Facebook/Instagram
  • 1x a year use of our facility for company events

The ATP Tour

3 Year Commitment
$4,000 a year

  • 1 outdoor banner on court
  • 1 yearly event with your company name
  • 1 editorial about your company in our newsletter
  • 1x online exposure on Facebook/Instagram